
How To Add Galaxy To Background On Photoshop

Tutorial – How to add the Milky way in photos

Usually, my mail service-processing is restricted to the brackets that I have of a particular scene. I try to bring out, equally much every bit possible, the best in that scene. Sometimes, however, I feel that an paradigm can benefit from some creative blending of divide images. In this tutorial, we'll expect at how to add the Milky Way in photos.

The earlier and after below is a smashing instance of this. The desert boondocks, San Pedro de Atacama, has a Spaghetti Western experience to information technology. In this epitome, I was happy with the foreground just felt the sky was lacking.

I took the Milky Way from an epitome I'd shot the day before and blended them. In this short tutorial, I'll show you lot how to exercise the same very quickly and I will also give a full-size prototype of the Milky Manner to work with. Please don't endeavor to sell the image. I'grand giving information technology to you lot to use on images that you can sell or utilise commercially but the unabridged paradigm is not for commercial use.

Before and Subsequently

If you wish to experiment with this, I would actually capeesh it if you included my name (Jimmy McIntyre) and when you publish your image. If you mail your published image on our Facebook page I'd be happy to check information technology out.

-Tutorial Continued Below-

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How to add stars to an image in Photoshop

–The diagram– Click to overstate

how to add the Milky Way in photos tutorial

–What the numbers mean—

i. Place your main image equally the lesser or background layer. Drag the Milky Way on top of that layer.

2. Change the Alloy Style to Lighten. This will remove everything from the summit layer that is darker than the corresponding area on the layer beneath. In other words, mainly but the stars or star clusters volition be visible from the height layer now.

3. Change the Opacity according to how bright you lot'd similar the stars to be.

iv. Brand sure the colors selected are Black and White, as you lot come across in the picture. And so create a Layer Mask past clicking on the square at the bottom of the Layers panel (make sure the Stars layer is selected beforehand)

5. Finally, select the brush tool and start painting out the stars that are over the buildings and the residual of the foreground, leaving just the stars in the heaven.

6. This is only to evidence that you need to pigment carefully effectually the edges, and then as not to create a dark, star-less halo around the foreground.

And that's it!

Yous may be request, why do we need to change the Blend Manner? Why tin can't we merely mask out the foreground of the Stars epitome? Well, give it a effort and run into how difficult it is. This way, you lot keep all of the luminosity of the original sky and do not issue the foreground at all. Information technology doesn't get much easier.

One other tip, the main photo was shot towards the stop of blue hour when the sky is incredibly night. Adding stars to this sky was fine. However, stars added to skies during a rich blueish hour would await out of place. The darker the sky the improve.

You can download the total-sized Galaxy shot here:

Download Galaxy – this paradigm hosted on a separate site. It is free to download the photo and doesn't require an account. Simply click Download to get the prototype.

I promise you've found this tutorial on how to add the Galaxy in photos useful. If y'all take, and you think others might find it beneficial, feel free to share it and help to build the resources on this site.

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