
Does Photoshop Elements Work With Lightroom

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(Last updated on May 13th, 2022)

Check out this Photoshop Elements vs. Lightroom comparison to decide which one is the best application when information technology comes to simple solutions for editing your photos.

  1. Overview of Photoshop Elements
  2. Overview of Lightroom
  3. Curt Verdict
  4. Comparing At a Glance
  5. 1. Interface
  6. 2. Features
  7. 3. Ease of Utilise
  8. 4. Tools
  9. v. Effects
  10. 6. Outputs
  11. 7. Plugins
  12. 8. Toll
  13. nine. Support
  14. Final Verdict
  15. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Since both programs are used primarily for photography, we'll exist looking at them in terms of how well they part in this area. Photoshop Elements and Lightroom will exist looked at for interface, features, plugins and more. They will so exist judged on a scale of one to five.

photograph of wedding ceremony

Overview of Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements, not to be confused with Adobe Photoshop, has been branded for the longest time every bit Adobe's cheaper and simpler version of the popular program.

The application was kickoff introduced in 2001 and is more suitable and less expensive than Photoshop, aimed at more than personal than professional use.


  • Cheaper toll over time for only paying a quondam fee.
  • Very piece of cake to use and a adept choice for novice photographers.
  • Powerful enough to accomplish most common photography edits.


  • Limited features as a consumer-grade photography awarding.
  • Lacking in sure tools for more circuitous photography edits.
  • Merely works on desktop environments.

Overview of Lightroom

Lightroom has been seen more than as the cunning photo editing program for professional photographers. Introduced in 2007, it functions equally a less destructive version of Photoshop in that information technology only focuses on the alteration of photos and keeps them carve up to avoid damaging the original.

Though far limited in Photoshop'south grander graphical capabilities, Lightroom has proven to be suitably quick and straightforward in photo edits that don't require raster or 3D graphics.


  • Powerful and intuitive tools for making fast photography edits.
  • Works on both desktop and mobile environments for a faster workflow when y'all're on the move.
  • Numerous plugins speed up the workflow by simplifying the exportation process.


  • Plush application with a monthly subscription that adds up over fourth dimension.
  • Non-subversive surroundings is not platonic if you lot intend to edit photos with graphics and titles.
  • Album organization non equally ideal for being inherent to the program rather than your computer's folders.

Short Verdict

Overall, Lightroom is a better investment for the professional person lensman than Photoshop Elements. Lightroom offers more than functionality and is amend equipped for an epitome-related task.

Photoshop Elements, which is a simpler version of Adobe Photoshop, is a good option for beginners and photo hobbyists.

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Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom offers top-quality photo editing tools from your computer, tablet or phone.


Photoshop Elements

A simpler version of Photoshop CC. Great for beginners and photo hobbyists

Comparing At a Glance

1. Interface
Winner: Adobe Lightroom. The make clean interface of Lightroom makes it easy enough to work within.

ii. Features
Winner: Adobe Lightroom. For a professional photo editing software, Lightroom but has more to offer.

3. Ease of Employ
Winner: Photoshop Elements. As a program best-suited for novices, it'due south no shock that Photoshop Elements is much easier to utilize.

4. Tools
Winner: Adobe Lightroom. The wealth of options for editing tools in Lightroom manages to be more plentiful.

five. Furnishings
Winner: Tie. Both applications are teaming with numerous furnishings to amplify photos.

6. Outputs
Winner: Adobe Lightroom. There are numerous ways to export your photos in Lightroom for print and web with ease.

7. Plugins
Winner: Adobe Lightroom. Being a more professional program, Lightroom comes amend equipped for plugin back up.

viii. Toll
Winner: Photoshop Elements. For a simple one-time cost, Elements wins out as the cheapest application in the long run.

nine. Support
Winner: Tie. For both being Adobe products, they lucifer upwards quite well in the realm of support.

1. Interface

Photoshop Elements and Lightroom are a chip neck-and-neck in the realm of their interfaces. Both aim for simplicity in getting straight to the point of editing the basics of photos with a handful of elaborate options in between.

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements layout is friendly for navigation. From the moment the user boots upwardly the program, they'll be presented with a series of shortcuts and tutorials to leap right into the kind of project that will arrange them all-time.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Guide

Congenital to be intuitive, Elements likewise has plenty of in-app tutorials then the user tin can learn as they progress through the plan. With all the options neatly presented, the interface is suitable as the beginner'south guide to jumping into Photoshop.

That being said, the program's interface is not as straightforward when it comes to photo editing. When compared to Lightroom, nosotros had to remove a signal for the interface taking a bit more fourth dimension to learn for basic edits.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Interface: four/v

Adobe Lightroom

As far as interfaces are concerned for professional photograph manipulation; nonetheless, Lightroom has Photoshop Elements vanquish in this section.

Adobe Lightroom Interface

Similar to the more than professional version of Photoshop, Lightroom is clean and organized. It's too relatively piece of cake to alter photos with sliders' windows for changing everything from lighting to contrast.

Even ameliorate, the interface, for being so complimentary of clutter, replicates rather well for mobile versions of the program. All of this earns Lightroom a perfect score.

Adobe Lightroom Interface: 5/5

Winner: Adobe Lightroom . For its versatility and grace of maneuvering effectually multiple tools, Lightroom is the better interface for photo editing.

ii. Features

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements, as the name might imply, is a more than stripped-down version of Photoshop. To list all the features information technology doesn't accept would take besides much time, and so information technology's best to document what it tin do.

Aside from the necessary trimming and color editing of photos, the software tin can also do quite a scrap for more evocative displays. Images can be manipulated into animated GIFs with the utilise of 2d and 3D photographic camera effects.

There are besides tools for lowering photographic camera shake blurs and smoothing peel and some more circuitous features such as facial feature edits, cutting out people from frames, and sketch filters.

All that being said, these features are even so rather limited in terms of photography edits. This is specially true when compared to Lightroom, leading to a one-point deduction from the score.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Features: 4/v

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom'southward features, however, accept cropped up heavily over the years with numerous advancements and additions.

For those not quite sure which version they'd similar to become with for editing their photos, there'south a version editor that can allow for multiple versions to select from, more akin to presenting a slew of designs for review.

Adobe Lightroom Features

Raw images can have changes automatically applied the moment they are added into the application. Numerous export features arrive easier to go photos out to where they need to be faster, be in a gallery on a website, or sent off to the printers mail service-haste.

With so many features present in the application, Lightroom gets a perfect score.

Adobe Lightroom Features: v/5

Winner: Adobe Lightroom . The many features of Lightroom, which continue to amend with each iteration, make it the more than obvious winner because Chemical element's one-and-done pricing will leave the user with whatsoever that version has to offer at the moment, potentially leaving the photographer hanging for more in the time to come.

3. Ease of Use

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements is more than widely recognized equally the more personal version of Photoshop, given that most of its examples relate to private videos of family trips and vacations.

With the consumer in mind who may not exist as technically astute, Elements was built to be extremely user friendly.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Quick Interface

Elements has simplified everything from the organisation of loading your images to the exportation of finished photos. The interface is non too cluttered that whatever novice can hop right in and commencement cleaning up their favorite photos.

Because that the application is incredibly intuitive for first-time photographers, Photoshop Elements gets a perfect score for ease of use.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Ease of Use: 5/5

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom, by comparing, is a bit denser in features and usage. There's a few more than tools and a bit more to its integration if you plan on streamlining your exporting of finished images.

Thankfully, the interface is make clean enough to avoid being cluttered with features while doing your work. The interface is at least intuitively sufficient to learn, given the in-app tutorials and smart system tools.

The Ten factor is ultimately how well the user is willing to fix integration programs to streamline the photo editing process via Lightroom's plugins. Because the learning bend, Lightroom ultimately gets one bespeak taken off of its score.

Adobe Lightroom Ease of Apply: iv/5

Winner: Adobe Photoshop Elements . Photoshop Elements ultimately aims to exist the almost easy-to-understand photo editing application of the Adobe library, information technology's hard not to choose information technology for ease of use.

However, a caveat of the application should exist noted that professionals may find the lack of extra tools a bit frustrating, but, as has been stated, Elements is the cheaper pick for creative beginners.

4. Tools

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom has ballooned over the years to be far more than applicative for more pregnant projects than just mere lighting and colour corrections on the fly.

One of the most massive changes of recent activity was HDR merge and panorama merge for larger photos of more detail and in demand of amend controls for editing.

A host of other tools, including automatic cropping to remove non-rectangular edges, fill out a program that can do far more than only low-cal remainder. These many handy and powerful tools led to Lightroom getting a perfect score.

Adobe Lightroom Tools: five/v

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements has grown over time too, though it may seem a slower build when saddled side by side to the consummate package of Adobe Photoshop itself.

Numerous tools are available for everything, from simple changes in size and colour to elaborate edits of facial features and background changes.

Lightroom Tools

Collages and graphics are pretty par for the course as far as essential photo editing software goes, but the tools are simple enough to use with an improved range in how much they're capable of treatment.

The tools provided by Photoshop Elements are handy but also limited in a few areas. Information technology is for those limitations why a point was taken off the score.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Tools: iv/5

Winner: Adobe Lightroom . Betwixt Photoshop Elements and Lightroom, these applications are quite capable of being alternated to the denser workings of classic Photoshop. That beingness said, Lightroom's growing toolset is merely unbeatable in this department.

5. Effects

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Novice users of Photoshop Elements may be surprised at the wealth of unique effects they tin use, far more than just the glossy tints and black-and-white filters.

Realizing that this product would most likely exist used past families trying to get the best shot of their kids, many features focus on the face. Eyes can be made more than open, skin more smooth, pupils less red, and even faces more tilted.

Yous tin can even snip people out of photos with relative ease to place them behind more than colorful backgrounds. Couple this with color balancing and contrast effects, and amateur photographers volition find they have mastered such simple software.

The few limitations of this awarding's effects simply led to a half-point deduction.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Furnishings: 4.five/5

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom, too, will surprise the near astute photographers with how much more available the application is for their photo needs. The more than noteworthy is the machine-learning characteristic of Raise Particular, sharpening, and straightening an paradigm to exist more than presentable.

Lightroom penguin image with presets

Of course, it's not going to make your picture-perfect epitome and nonetheless seems to be in its early stages, given how lilliputian it alters for most pictures and how long the process tin take.

Lightroom certainly can surpass Photoshop Elements with many advancements it has made, but it withal has a way to outperform the cheaper contest. It is for this reason that only half a point was taken off the score.

Adobe Lightroom Effects: iv.5/v

Winner: Tie . 1 of the few aspects where Photoshop Elements and Lightroom are quite eye-to-centre is their photo effects. Information technology'due south a narrow field in terms of who they are suited for in photograph editing.

For the moment, both applications are handy with the effects they're capable of producing.

half dozen. Outputs

Though both applications can boast exportation in several different file formats, there's a pregnant difference in how they streamline the process.

Adobe Photoshop Elements

For Photoshop Elements, there are a few options to best export your project, be in the form of a standard photograph file blazon (JPG, PNG) or a more animated format (GIF).

The exporting process is pretty clean and familiar for anyone who has dealt with saving out creative images. And fifty-fifty if you lot're not, the software is gentle enough to guide just about anybody through the procedure.

All that being said, in that location are some notable limitations when compared to Lightroom. It is for this reason why a indicate was taken off the score.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Outputs: iv/5

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom does all that and more than. By more, I don't but hateful the improver of such heavy-duty photo formats as DNG and TIFF.

With the help of some plugins, Lightroom can zoom your photos direct to where they're meant to be. This includes everything from prepping the pictures to be viewable on a WordPress website to sending them off to a impress service.

Lightroom exporting beach photo

For those working under timely deadlines, these aspects can be real time-savers for a project involving significant edits on several photos. Another benefit to Lightroom that can't be overlooked is its deject connection, which allows for convenient storage to work on projects anywhere.

The many output formats and speedy means of exportation led to Lightroom getting a perfect score.

Adobe Lightroom Outputs: 5/5

Winner: Adobe Lightroom . The simple stripping of standard Photoshop features within Elements is perhaps too unproblematic, unable to handle more than circuitous outputs and exportation processes. Lightroom takes this category with ease.

7. Plugins

The 2 applications are somewhat simplified applications that may non require as many plugins to help out with projects. They however accept a few plugins to aid in the photograph editing procedure and make tasks a little easier.

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom's plugins are offered by Adobe and are numerous and varied past needs. What's well-nigh appealing of the offerings are those that focus on streamlining the exporting process.

If you process your photos at Costco, at that place's an app that can ease the procedure of getting your edited images straight over to the Costco Photograph Center.

Lightroom plugins on adobe website 1

If your photos will exist going up as a gallery on a WordPress website, there's a plugin that tin prep your images for the NextGEN Gallery WordPress plugin.

And for the more international photographer, there'due south a Snapfish integration for getting your photos printed as soon as possible. Be aware, even so, that these plugins work primarily with Lightroom Classic and non the cheaper CC version.

With the abundance of plugins and minor issues between versions of Lightroom, only half a point was taken off the concluding score.

Adobe Lightroom Plugins: 4.5/five

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Information technology should come up as no surprise that Photoshop Elements, as stripped downwardly equally it is, doesn't accept a wealth of plugins.

You'll have to exercise quite a bit of searching to find plugins that are more than suited for Elements than the standard Photoshop software. Even uploading the plugins takes a bit more effort every bit they simply can't exist dropped into the program.

There are some plugins for touch-ups like Dazzler Retouch Panel or ON1 Effects, but considering these are third-party plugins, it should requite you an idea of how much back up Adobe has placed in this version of Photoshop. With a limitation on the plugins, two points were taken off the score.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Plugins: three/5

Winner: Adobe Lightroom . For the mere fact that Elements requires some hunting and searching for plugins, Lightroom is the clear winner here.

8. Price

Photoshop Elements and Lightroom vary quite a bit in terms of their pricing.

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements has a former toll of just $99.99. If yous effigy y'all'll be doing video editing likewise, you can likewise take advantage of the package with Premiere Elements (a stripped-down version of Premiere) for $149.99.

That's information technology. One payment and the application is your own without a subscription fee. This method has been the pricing structure of Photoshop Elements for quite some fourth dimension, and so information technology is one of the few Adobe applications sold at the retail level for existence so low in cost.

Photoshop Elements Pricing

For beingness so cheap in the long run, Photoshop Elements merely gets a half-point taken off for the upfront cost existence a little high.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Pricing: four.v/5

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom favors the more than familiar Adobe pricing model of beingness subscription-based under the Artistic Cloud packages. You can pay $9.99/monthly for admission to Adobe Lightroom CC and $19.99/monthly for Lightroom Classic on the cheap end.

Adobe Pricing

On the more expensive stop, yet is still a practiced deal, is the photography bundle that includes Photoshop for only $19.99/monthly. More than chiefly, both Lightroom and Photoshop can be used on mobile devices, so the applications are well-suited for the on-the-go lensman.

Fifty-fifty though Lightroom is 1 of the cheaper subscriptions, it's still a cost that will add together up over time. For this reason, a point was taken off the score.

Adobe Lightroom Pricing: four/5

Winner: Adobe Photoshop Elements . Both products still seem similar a fleck of an investment, but it all depends on how much usage y'all'll get out of them.

Suppose you intend to continue photo editing for more than than a year; in that case, Photoshop Elements is the manner to go without worrying about keeping upwards with monthly payments well into the time to come.

9. Support

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible and the back up available reflects that. Adobe is available for phone calls and tickets to accost any bug with the programs.

There are also forums and enough of articles/tutorials about how best to utilise each program, whether you need to figure out how to install plugins in Photoshop Elements or properly calibrate your photos for print in Lightroom.

The variety of options available ensure that you're not left high and dry out for assist. That high level of support leads to a perfect score for the app.

Adobe Photoshop Elements Back up: 5/5

Adobe Photoshop Customer Support

Adobe Lightroom

Of class, the corporeality of resources varies based on the users' appeal and creatives/developers' focus. This is why Lightroom has more of a defended plugin page, while Photoshop Elements will accept to go searching.

That being said, Lightroom'south back up is comparative with Photoshop Elements that there'due south hardly whatsoever difference. For being so similar, Lightroom too gets a perfect score for support.

Adobe Lightroom Support: 5/5

Winner: Tie . The attention that Adobe has given to these products in general support is relatively counterbalanced. Lightroom and Photoshop Elements tie for this category.

Photoshop Elements Lightroom
Mobile Version No Yes
Best For Beginners Professionals
Pricing $99.99 (one-fourth dimension) $9.99/monthly
Discounted Price Cheque here Check here

Final Verdict

What needs to be stressed is Photoshop Elements and Lightroom have different uses for different users.

Elements is best suited for the pocket-sized photograph jobs of an private novice who merely needs some simple editing for not much money. However, with all features considered, Lightroom is a better investment for the professional person photographer.

Oft Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which application works best with mobile devices?

Lightroom would work all-time for mobile. Being a part of the Adobe Artistic Cloud, Lightroom can easily be installed on a mobile device.

Do professionals use Photoshop Elements?

While the application certainly can be used for more professional photography projects, information technology is best suited for personal usage in smaller projects.

Where can Lightroom projects be exported?

With the aid of plugins, Lightroom projects can be exported with ease to WordPress, Snapfish, and a host of other web applications.

Does Photoshop Elements have fewer features than Photoshop?

Yes, hence the lower price. A few standard features are nowadays, merely it'due south designed to be a barebones application for basic photo editing.

How much does Photoshop Elements cost?

Photoshop Elements costs a ane-time fee of $99.99. That's all you need to pay equally there are no additional fees or subscriptions required. You lot will have to pay to upgrade the software but there'southward a reduced price.

How much does Lightroom cost?

Lightroom costs a monthly fee to use on the Adobe Artistic Cloud. The cost is $9.99/monthly. You tin can also pay that same price for the Photography Plan that includes Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, and Photoshop.


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